Thinking of Going Abroad?
The Scout Association provides some guidelines and procedures for arranging a trip abroad :
Trips abroad have some additional planning complexities – here are some things to think about.
There are a number of ways you can arrange a Scouting trip abroad. For example, if you have experience and fancy the challenge, you could arrange a trip completely from scratch, using resources from travel agents, the internet, local knowledge and local contacts.
However this may be your first trip or you may just like to have a helping hand, in which case you could use a tour operator who specialise in arranging trips for youth organisations.
Here are a few suggestions to help you on your way:
Travel Places organise international trips for Scout Groups :
Venture Abroad also organise international trips for Scout Groups :
Also speak to personal contacts made at previous International Events and / or others within your District and County who have been abroad.
Getting approval for a visit abroad:
When first considering going abroad please submit part A of the visits abroad form for approval to obtain your Permission to Plan your trip, as early as possible in the planning process. Part A requires very few details and should be submitted even if details are subject to change. Your DC/relevant commissioner, District International Adviser/ADC, and the county international team will need to review and approve your visits abroad form (both parts, A and B), your trip programme, itinerary, and all other relevant documents, before your trip may go ahead.
Further details regarding the process are outlined at the back of the visits abroad form itself, and also the County International Team will provide you with additional guidance and support throughout the planning process, once we receive part A of your form and your request for approval to plan.
You can find the latest process and version of the “Visits Abroad Form” that you need to submit for approval here :,209,213&moduleID=10
If you are thinking of going abroad and would like further information please contact
Sanjay Chandarana , ACC (International).