Get going this Spring and be a GLMW Go Getter!
Start 2021 as you mean to continue and take part in our Go Getter Challenge. There are 7 mini projects to complete this term for Beavers, Cubs, Scout and Explorers to do at home or for you to incorporate into your weekly programme. We have listed some ideas on how to complete each section although the list is by no means exhaustive and we encourage you to be creative and try new things.
We will be sharing ideas of activities that you could try on our Facebook page and covering parts of the challenge during our County virtual section meetings. If you would like to join any of our Zoom meetings, please register here.
If you would like to order badges, please email Karen Tempest.
Get Building (Pioneering/Construction)
- Beavers – lolly stick raft, spaghetti tower, cardboard box robot
- Cubs – garden cane catapult, bread stick raft,
- Scouts – Jamboree gateway (either indoors or outdoors), build a bird box, spaghetti Eiffel Tower
- Explorers – garden cane Trebuchet, build a go kart
Get Creative (craft, design, music, dance)
- Beavers – make maracas and join a Beaver band on zoom, learn the actions of a campfire song and show the rest of your colony
- Cubs – bin bag fashion, be part of a virtual campfire sing song
- Scouts – make your own drum and lead a rhythm session in your troop meeting
- Explorers – Make your own unique face covering, use a household item as an instrument to play name that tune with your unit
Get Outdoors (Nature, Tracking, Photography)
- Beaver – identify 3 different trees and 3 different birds on a local walk and find out an interesting fact about each, make a bird feeder and monitor activity
- Cubs – lay a track for a friend, family member or sibling and see if they can follow it, feed the birds in your garden and keep a diary of the visitors you had
- Scouts – over a period of a month, vary your local walks and note down the wildlife that you saw, learn about edible plants and see what you can spot on local walks
- Explorers – begin a photography project of nature in your area, make your garden hedgehog friendly and look out for visitors
Get Active (Sport & Fitness)
- Beavers – skipping daily and improve the number of jumps over a month
- Cubs – long jump to increase the distance you jump over period of a month
- Scouts – put together a short exercise routine and share with your troop, plot a local route and use a map to navigate around the area
- Explorers – run 5km regularly and look to improve your time
Get Away (International)
- Beavers – take part in an international themed section meeting, make you own paper Beavers and dress them in Scout uniforms from 3 different countries
- Cubs – take part in an international themed section meeting, help your family to celebrate a festival from another country, faith or culture
- Scouts – take part in an international themed section meeting, prepare a 3 course meal popular in another country
- Explorers – take part in an international themed section meeting, link with Scouts in another country, find out about a festival from another country and put together an activity that you can share with your unit
Get Together (Community & Recruitment)
- Beavers – bring a friend, meet with Beavers from different groups, send a postcard to somebody that you know is shielding
- Cubs – bring a friend, meet with Cubs from different groups, write a letter to somebody that you know is shielding
- Scouts – bring a friend, find a way to advertise Scouting, meet with Scouts from different groups, write to somebody shielding
- Explorers – in a group, actively promote your unit showing the positives of Scouting, meet with Explorers from around the County
Get Better
Teach yourself a new skill or improve on an existing one over a period of 4 weeks.
Get Ready, Get Set, Go!