GLMW Camping Challenge
Encourage outdoor adventure by taking on GLMW’s Camping Challenge!
Our Bronze, Silver and Gold camping challenges encourage Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers to improve their nights away skills and progressively strengthens their experience, ability and knowledge as they look for new and different ways to enjoy the outdoors.
Bronze Award
Spend two nights at camp (each in a different calendar month) and take part in at least two of the following:
- a camp at PACCAR Scout camp
- a camp held jointly with a Cub pack
- a camp where you complete an activity badge
- a camp at a conservation project
- a District or County camp
- a camp as part of the Outdoor Challenge
- camp with a new recruit that you have invited
Silver Award
Spend four nights at camp (each in a different calendar month) and take part in at least three of the following:
- camp in a bivouac
- camp off the ground
- a camp held jointly with a Scout troop (Cubs only)
- camp with another youth organisation
- a camp as part of the Outdoor Challenge award (Cubs & Scouts)
- a camp as part of the Time on the Water staged badge
- a District or County camp
- a Jamboree
- camp on a hillside
Gold Award
Spend six nights at camp (each in a different calendar month) and take part in at least four of the following:
- camp at 0° or below
- camp at 500 ft abover sea level of higher
- camp on an island
- camp at sea level
- camp as part of a group of 50 Scouts or more
- camp with overseas Scouts
- camp as part of an expedition on water
- camp in something you have made
- camp in a cave
- camp with Explorer Scouts
Badges are £1.00 each and can be obtained by contacting the County Office.